You are stranded on the desert island of Antoineous - in the southern seas awaiting rescue .You have managed to salvage 3 items
1 a photo of Jonathan
2 an MP3 of one track from Tenore
3 an MP3 of a track from Believe
What choices have you made and why ?
Here are mine .I would enjoy looking at those eyes and see hope in them

2 From Tenore I would rescue the upbeat La Donna e Mobile to help me keep my spirits up
3 My choice from Believe is Che Gelida Manina as it is pure beauty and played loudly enough any passing ship would have to stop to check it out . :)
Good question! There are so many wonderful photos of Jonathan. Let me think on that while I answer 2 and 3 lol
2. Song from Tenore- Torna a Surriento because it holds many memories for me connected with a special birthday and a special place. I hope to return there one day.
3. song from Believe - I adore them all. However Because we Believe is an important song to me. It inspires hope and empowers the listener to go on and achieve. “We were born to shine”.. for some very brightly as Jonathan does.. for others it may be learning a new skill, gaining some independence.. whatever it is they can gain Belief they can achieve ‘Because we Believe’ ❤️
Now back to that photo! I just love seeing him having fun ❤️